
Zoetis company is widely known worldwide as a manufacturer of effective and innovative veterinary drugs for many species of animals in key product categories: antibacterial, antiparasitic, vaccines, rehydration solutions, hormonal drugs, antimastitis and other pharmaceutical products.

More than a thousand employees in more than a hundred countries around the world, engaged in research and development, help to improve existing products and produce innovative drugs aimed at improving the quality of life of both animals and their owners.

A brief overview in Zoetis figures looks like this:








The company’s mission

IN companies behind it is a 60-year history, during which the concern for animal health, the desire to provide customers with high-quality products and services, as well as their commitment to business interests has always been at the forefront.

The company’s products, services in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as the professional level of employees are highly appreciated by customers all over the world!


Zoetis products




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